United Kingdom

StarMed CaStar R Up Openable hood for NIV

StarMed CaStar R Up – Openable hood for NIV therapy
Openable CaStar R Up is a comfortable, versatile and lightweight patient interface for non invasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) designed to offer an alternative to traditional methods of NIV delivery. The CaStar R Up is well tolerated for extended periods and can reduce the risks associated with
both endotracheal intubation and face mask use.
• Allows rapid access to the patient’s face during nursing procedures or in case of emergency
• One operator can easily remove the upper part of the hood and have full access to the patient
• Probes and catheters can remain in place, on the patient, connected to the lower part of the hood
Technical Features
• Built in inflatable neck cushion for added patient comfort
• Comfortable and atraumatic underarm fastening straps
• Other fastening accessories are available if required
• Two versatile sealed access ports suitable for single or multiple lumen probes or catheters
• Patient access port fitted with bi-directional anti-asphyxiation valve which opens automatically in the event of pressure failure

Single packed.
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